Sunday, October 7, 2012

TV Review: 666 Park Avenue: Pilot(1.01)

                                        666 Park Avenue: Pilot(1.01)Review
  • I find the whole concept of people basically making deals with the devil to get ahead in life to be pretty interesting but so far there hasn't been a lot of focus on that part of the show.
  • So far I think that Jane and Henry seem like good main characters with Jane being into researching and figuring things out while Henry is more grounded and moral. I also think that they make a cute couple.
  • I found the plot with the guy who brought his wife back from the dead by killing someone to be very interesting and creepy and I'm sad that there won't be anymore development with that plot.
  • I'm interested to see why the girl sees people's personal objects and what those objects can do to a person.
  • I was freaked out when the wife of the writer guy Brian was stuck between an elevator's door and I'm curious about why that happened.
  • I overall thought the pilot was okay and I'm interested in learning more about the mysterious things that happen in the building.
Please tell me your thoughts on this episode.

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