Saturday, February 2, 2013

TV Review: Once Upon a Time: Tallahasse(2.06)

                                   Once Upon a Time: Tallahassee(2.06)Review
  • I found Emma's backstory as a criminal to be pretty interesting and that her and her Henry's father Neal, met when she was stealing a car he already stole.
  • I also find it both interesting and sad that August convinced Neal to leave Emma because it apparently was for the best and that Neal was the one who got the post card about the curse being broken at the beginning of the season.
  • I really enjoyed how much Hook seemed to flirt with Emma during this episode but I haven't decided how I feel about those two as of yet.
  • I liked how Emma told Mulan to cut down the bean stoke of she wasn't back in a certain amount of time because she wanted to make sure Snow got back to Storybrooke.
  • I thought that Emma and Hook did work pretty well together and I liked how Hook tried to convince Emma to trust him even though it did work in the end.
  • I liked how the giant was humanized and that after Emma saw him in that way she decided to spare his life when she could have killed him and because of this the giant repaid the favor to Emma.
  • I don't know if it was a good idea for Emma to have the giant hold Hook captive for awhile because he doesn't really seem like he's already choose a side and I'd think it would be bad for them to have him as an enemy but I do understand why Emma doesn't trust him.
  • I liked how Snow told Emma that they were going to go back to Storybrooke together no matter what.
  • I find it interesting that both Aurora and Henry are having the same nightmare.
Please tell me your thoughts on this episode.

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