Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top 10 Reasons I Love Being a Blogger/Reader

1. I can share my opinions: I started my blog mostly because I wanted to be able to share my thoughts about TV shows and while at first I think that I didn't do that great of job at conveying those feelings at first but I eventually found a style that allowed me to do so. I really love that I have a place to talk about all of the works of fiction that I love because I don't really have anyone to talk to this stuff about so I'm glad that my blog is a place where I can share these things. Although I'd really love to have more discussions on my blog I understand that since I mostly post about TV shows and most my followers are book bloggers that a big reason I don't ever have discussions on my blog is because I don't talk about the things their interested in.
2. Comments: I know that a lot of bloggers like to pretend that they don't care about comments but I'm not going to do that because I get excited whenever I get a new comment and I actually frequently go back and read through all of the comments that I have gotten on my blog. I just really love it when someone shares their thoughts on the things that I write because I'm usually pretty interested in what I write about on here so I'm really happy anytime someone tells my their feelings on what I wrote about and I always welcome comments.
3. I can talk extensively about my favorite ships: I like a lot of bloggers or anyone invested in fandom have quite a few ships(romantic relationships) that I fangirl over frequently and I'm glad that this blog gives me a place where I can go on about my ships without annoying anyone too much which something that's impossible to do in real life and I don't do it one Tumblr because the way their tagging system works it shares it with people who don't follow you and sometimes those people just like to start arguments about ships for little to no reason, so this blog is where I like to talk about ships. I also just really love that in my reviews I can just go on about a little tiny moment about ship for a paragraph or two even if it isn't that big of a moment in the overall story I love that on my blog I can talk about this things. Although there are times in which I don't realize how great a moment is until later or I don't write about because my review is getting too long but I still love being able to share my love for my ships even if only very people end up reading those posts.
4. I can post things when I want to: Since I run this blog by myself and I'm not really all that important to my followers I have the freedom to post things whenever I want to post them and I like not having a schedule I have to follow or deadlines I have to meet. This is especially a good thing when I'm taking way too long to write a post such as my favorite characters of 2013 list I still plan on publishing them even though logic tells me it's too late I still feel like I can since not many people care about when I publish stuff there's also the case of that Teen Wolf paranormal YA post that I have been writing for the past couple of months although I'm mad that I didn't finish it before season 3B came out since I now have to decide if I can mention anything from it on that post.
5. I really like coming up with labels/tags for my posts: While it took me quite some time to figure out that labels is bloggers version of tags I really do enjoy tagging all my posts because I like to be able to go back and look at my old post and I like to give people who read this blog an easy way to navigate around my blog. I also really like some of the labels I have such as my Sansa Stark quote tag "All she wanted were for things to be nice and pretty the way they were in songs." one because it's the quote that made me fall in love with her character and two I really wished that I could have a quote tag for all of my favorite characters although I don't really have that many other ones though and I would love to someday come with more and maybe even make a post asking for some help with coming up with some quotes. I also have two OTP(one true pairing) quote tags which are OTP: Let me chase you forever and OTP: Together or not all, I really love both of them and I feel like I need to come up with a lot more OTP tags and use those tags more often because I love them and I would like some help coming up with those kind of tags as well.
6. I could write meta if I wanted to and not anger anyone: I really like the idea of being able to write basically essays about my favorite works of fiction and my analysis of certain characters, ships, scenes or parallels. Although I have yet to write any of these sorts of essays I have a lot of ideas for them though such as one about how much I admire Tohru Honda(Fruits Basket), comparing Sansa and Arya Stark showing that they both have different skills so they're playing the game in very different ways and neither is better than the other for it(Game of Thrones), one about how the big bad of the BBC Merlin series was really the dragon, and a comparison between blowing double date and Ice skating almost double date(Teen Wolf). I have a lot more ideas and I would really like to write them and I'm glad that I can put them up here if I choose to really the biggest problem with posting them will be how to title them.
7. I can put any picture from an episode on my review: This have to do with my TV show reviews again but I really do enjoy this freedom about blogging now at first I didn't like having to find pictures for each episode which explains why my first season of Teen Wolf reviews has the season promo picture for most episodes but I now really love choosing a picture for my reviews. I like being able to show the things either I really liked(such as a ship which explains why for my Revenge reviews I always try to get Emily and Nolan pictures if I can) or what I thought summarized the episode best.
8. I being able to see what my initial opinion on something was: You know how the first time you read or watch something you react differently than you do the next couple of times well I really like seeing what my original thoughts on things were. I like being able to go back and look at my reviews to see if I guessed plot twists right or how my opinion on a character or ship has changed, sometimes I go back and realize how much I didn't get a character and I becoming pretty embarrassed or look back and see I spelt things wrong or that I didn't notice some pretty important stuff but it's still fun to read even if I do end up embarrassing myself.

1. I can meet many different characters: My favorite thing about reading is being able to meet new characters because I just love getting to know them and hopeful love them. To me the most important part of any story is character because they're what makes you care about the story whether you like or dislike the characters is one of the biggest factors in determining whether or  not you like a big while a book can still be good without you having to love the main characters I don't think it could be great nor could it be enough for you to continue a book series if you haven't liked the characters. Anyways my favorite part of reading is meeting new characters whether I just plain love them or find them interesting even though I can't tell if I like them yet.
2. I can loose myself in a story: I love that reading can take me away to another world and I love completely loosing myself inside a book especially when I don't really feeling like thinking about the real world. I think loosing yourself in a book is something that a lot of readers love about reading.


  1. As a blogger I have to admit that I squeal on the inside when I get comments on a post, which actually isn't very often because i'm still fairly new to blogging...But I just love getting them!

    Also, I can't wait for your Teen Wolf post because, ummmm, yea I'm a HARDCORE FANGIRL when it comes to that show! So post away please :)

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

    1. Thank you for the comment and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets excited about every comment I get. I'll check out your blog sometime soon and see if I can think of anything to say on one of your posts.
      Glad to hear you're a big fan of Teen Wolf as well, I've actually reviewed every episode of the show(expect Echo House since I haven't seen it yet) on this blog and since it was one of the first shows I reviewed the reviews for the first season are kind of not that good but it shows how much I've grown as a blogger. Also I worked on that Teen Wolf post I've mentioned in the post this week and it's going to be the longest post I've every written because it's like three pages long already and I'm not even half done yet but thanks for keeping me motivated with writing it.
