Thursday, October 27, 2011

TV Review: Vampire Diaries:Ghost World(3.07)

                                        Vampire Diaries: Ghost World(3.07)Review
  • I loved this episode and it’s my favorite of the season so far.
  • I loved all the Jeremy and Anna interaction. I loved that they kissed, I was happy to learn that despite everything they still love each other and I almost cried when they let each other go.
  • I was sad that Anna had to leave but I was happy that she was able to find her mother and I hope that their able to find peace.
  • I really enjoyed seeing all the past characters come back and I was interested in the roles they played in each characters life.
  • I loved seeing Lexi again and I wish she could have stayed. I loved all her scenes and I loved seeing another side of her relationship with Stefan.
  • I liked that this episode had Elena not giving up on Stefan but at the same time she said she won’t wait forever. I also liked that this episode confirmed that Stefan can be reached.
  • I was so happy that Grams came back explained to Bonnie what the price was for bring Jeremy back and I’m glad that she was able to help Bonnie set things right.
  • I actually liked Bonnie quite a bit in this episode and I felt bad for her when she found out about Jeremy and Anna. I thought she did the right thing in the end when she broke up with Jeremy and I enjoyed seeing more her and Caroline’s friendship.
  • I really liked that Mason came back to help with finding a weapon that can kill Klaus and I liked that this episode confirmed that despite his flaws he really did care for Tyler. I also enjoy that what he wanted was redemption.
  • I liked the scene towards the end were it seems that Damon and Alaric repaired their friendship at least a little bit.
  • I’m intrigued by whatever it is they found in the cellar at the end of the episode.
Please tell me your thoughts on the episode.

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