Sunday, March 17, 2013

TV Review: Revenge: Illumination(2.16)

                                              Revenge: Illumination(2.16)Review
  • I liked how in the past Emily's foster brother Eli would protect her and wanted the two of them to stick together, it's just nice to know that she had someone during that period of her life.
  • I feel a bit bad for Charlotte because she believes her parents are actually making the Amanda Clarke charity in order to honor her rather than to serve themselves.
  • I liked how Emily was able to tell right away that Eli had ulterior motives about coming to the Hampton's and I also liked that she had meetings with Nolan filling him in on everything that was going on much like they use to have all the time during season 1.
  • I like how Daniel continues to have a harder and harder time with doing what the initiative tells him to do knowing the cost of his actions but being powerless to really change his situation. I also really enjoyed the talk between Daniel and Conrad about preserving their family by hurting other people, I just find the whole Grayson family dynamic to be very interesting.
  • I like how the Graysons have plans to frame Aiden for the upcoming  initiative crime although I'm guessing this is something that Emily has prepared for so he probably won't really get framed and be off the show.
  • I liked how part of the reason that Eli was able to identify Emily as the real Amanda Clarke is because of the double infinity tattoo on her wrist because it seems odd to me that know one ever takes note of that considering how big of a thing that's been for her through out her whole life.
  • I liked how Jack start to looking into things such as who brought him to shore and that at this point he really doesn't know who he can trust and if he can truly trust anyone.
  • I liked how Conrad decided to use Aiden to be even more of a fall guy and that he is also using Aiden to convince Daniel of going through with certain business deals.
  • I think that it's a bit odd that Emily decided to give Eli what he wanted out of their deal before she had any reason other than his word to believe him because the last time she tried to pay someone off in order to leave it didn't work out at all.
  • I liked how Emily thank Ashely for her warning about the Graysons going after Amanda and that she also used Ashely to try and give the Graysons a reason to get rid of Eli for her.
  • I kind of love how Victoria sees Emily as so much of a threat that she's willing to keep someone around that could be dangerous solely because Emily doesn't want them around.
  • I really enjoyed Jack's line to Nolan about practicing lying through his teeth just like Nolan and Emily do all the time to him. I'm just really glad that the show is having Jack being pissed at them for all lies because it has always been my theory that this is the way he would react to the truth so it's nice to see him react this way to small parts of the truth.
  • I'm curious as to what Eli is trying to accomplish by getting close to Charlotte and I'm wondering if Charlotte as any interest in him outside of him being Amanda's foster brother.
  • I liked that Aiden actually got Daniel to open to Emily, I'm just really glad that Aiden was a help to Emily's plans this episode since I don't think he usually is.
  • I'm curious about what Eli's plans are and what his really feelings about Emily are at the moment.
  • I liked how Nolan was able to convince Jack that it was Kenny Ryan that had the boat and brought Jack to shore and he also convinced Jack not to do anything reckless.
  • I really loved how Daniel pretty much pored his heart out to Emily about his situation with the initiative and that Emily in the end found a way to use what he told her in order to ruin his family and to get him to do exactly what she wanted him to do.
  • I really loved that Emily and Nolan were working together and putting Nolan's technically skills to work in order to bankrupt the Graysons although they did hit a bit a snag in their plans.
  • I really loved that there was a flashback with Nolan and David Clarke because we've always heard a lot about their relationship but we've never seen them have any scenes together before this episode. I also loved the scene because it had Nolan thinking that they finally found what they needed in order to prove David's innocence and David deciding that Amanda's future was more important and than he gave Nolan the infinity box to give to her and told him to look out for her, it was just a really great scene.
  • I like how the hacker the falcon who lead to David Clarke's framing being possible is making an appearance and I'm curious to see how Emily will deal with this threat in the future.
Please tell me your thoughts on this episode.

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