Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TV Review: Nashville: We Live in Two Different Worlds(1.04)

                                Nashville: We Live in Two Different Worlds(1.04)Review
  • I think it's odd that the media made such a big deal out of Juliette stealing one bottle of nail polish that cost like 3 or 4 dollars at most, I kind just agreed with Juliette's original reaction just to laugh at how out of proportion everyone was making things.
  • I felt bad for Juliette having to deal with her mother because it's clear how hard that is for her but it did seem like her mom was trying although I wouldn't be surprised at all if she relapses.
  • I feel bad that Juliette's whole career is in danger now due to one little shoplifting incident and the interviewer bring up her mom out of nowhere didn't help Juliette fix things because she never reacts well to things involve her mom.
  • I think it's sad that Juliette doesn't have any real friends and that the only person she can think to call is Deacon.
  • It seems like this election that Teddy's running in is just going to keep causing problems in his and Rayna's marriage.
  • I kind of liked how nervous the country club people made Rayna because it's not something that I would expect from her.
  • It seems that Teddy and Deacon have a strained relationship but that's not really surprising. I'm also curious about what will happen in the next episodes with Rayna said her and Deacon's relationship was over but those two seem too link to just end their relationship.
  • I'm curious about what the relationship between Teddy and Peggy is and what their big secret is.
  • I kind of like the relationship that's developing between Gunnar and Hailey since so far it's been cute and sweet.
  • I feel bad that Scarlet feels guilty about getting a deal when Avery hasn't, I just wish she could be happy for herself.
Please tell me your thoughts about this episode.

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