Teen Wolf : Wolf Moon(1.01) Review
I found the first episode of Teen Wolf to be very enjoyable and I found that the writing and acting was a lot better then I excepted from a show that airs on MTV. The special effects were a little cheesy at times and so was some of the other scenes but so far it’s a lot less cheesy then the original movie.
- I really enjoyed the friendship between the main character Scott and his friend Styles I thought it seemed realistic and I get the feeling they have now each other and have been friends for a long time. I liked how Styles does the research werewolves for Scott and promises to be there to help him.
- While I found it stupid that Styles and Scott would wonder off into the woods in the middle of the night because half of a person’s body was found I still felt that was something two teenage boys would do. I like how once they got in the woods Scott started to ask questions like what they would do if they actually found the body and I found it both funny and realistic that Styles response was he hadn’t thought that far ahead.
- I liked the relationship that developed between Scott and Alyson. I especially liked the scene at the animal hospital were Scott wipes an eyelash off Alyson’s face and the scene outside the animal hospital when Scott asks Alyson to the party.
- I’m really interested in learning more about Derek and his past as well as seeing what kind of relationship him and Scott develop and also to learn why he decide to come back after all this time.
- I’m also interested to see what happens next with the werewolf hunters especially with one of them being Alyson’s dad and I wonder how that will affect her and Scott’s relationship and if Alyson already knows about werewolves.Overall I enjoyed this episode and will continue to watch the series. So please tell me what your thoughts are about the episode.
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