Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 10 Shows I'm looking forward to this fall

1. Revenge season 2: I loved season one and the finale was great and left me wanting to watch more of the show as soon as possible. I'm really excited about this shows return because I've enjoyed every episode so far in the series and I trust that the writers will continue to make this show be extremely entertaining.
2. American Horror Story Season 2: I really enjoyed season one but since the story and characters are going to be completely different from season 1 I guess that doesn't matter as much as it does with all the other shows on the list. I'm really interested about what this season is going to be about since we know it's not ghosts and it's set in a mental institution in the 1960s. I'm also excited for both the returning cast members and the new cast members that will be on the show this season.

3. Psych season 7:I've loved the first six seasons so I see no reason why I wouldn't love season seven as well.
4. Grimm Season 2: In all honest this show would have been number one on this list if it hadn't already came back from hiatus back in August but so far I'm loving this show this season and I can't wait to see the next episode.
5. 666 Park Avenue: I've been wanting to see this show season I saw a preview for it and I thought it looked really good and has an interesting concept.

6. Go On: I thought the previews for this show looked good and I like Matthew Perry so I'm looking forward to this show.

7. Vampire Diaries season 4: I overall love this show but season finale didn't really shock or intrigue me so I'm not looking forward to season 4 as much as I should be. I'm worried that the writers may make the show become boring with the triangle of doom still being a plot even it's 100% clear who Elena wants to end up with and I'm worried that Elena will just be kind of whiny about becoming a vampire rather than become a better developed character. I still love this show I just hope that this season is better than last since last season disappointed me quite a bit.
8. Arrow: This show looks to be pretty interesting so I'm planning on watching it.
9. Nashville: I liked the preview I saw for this show but I'm not sure that it's my kind of show yet but I'm planning on checking it out.

10. Vegas: The preview looked good so I'm going to watch it.

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