Friday, November 11, 2011

TV Review: Grimm:Beeware(1.03)

  • In this episode there is a bee creature that are attacking lawyers who are also known as hexon beast using flash mobs.
  • I liked that Nick investigates the case first  and through that learns that it's related to the fairytale creatures rather then assume it is. I also like that Nick does research to help solve the case.
  • In the scenes in Melissa's house I agreed with Monroe's comments that it felt like a horror movie.
  • I was glad to learn that the blonde women who tried to kill Marie in the first episode is a hexon beast named Adline Shade. I also just realized that she's working with Nick's boss.
  • It came as a surprise to me that the bee creatures were trying to protect Nick by killing the hexon beasts and I'm really curious about who will be coming after Nick now.
  • I enjoyed seeing Nick feel conflicted about doing his job and doing his duty as a Grimm, I'm guessing this will be a theme through out the season.
  • I think that this episode is my favorite so far.
Please tell me your thoughts on the episode.

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